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4.2 ( 3632 ratings )
Здоровье и фитнес Медицина
Разработчик Ryu Technologies, Inc.
0.99 USD


MyMigraine is an easy way to track migraines and find out what causes them. MyMigraine allows the user to log their migraines in an easy to use fashion.

I have been getting migraines since I was ten years old, have been to numerous neurologists, tried acupuncture, and have also tried biofeedback. Yet the best help I got was the idea to log my migraines and find out my trigger - which is dehydration. I hope that my method for preventing migraines works for you.

To Use MyMigraine:

The user submits a new entry by clicking the "Record a Migraine" on the home screen. The user enters in information surrounding the time of the migraine (up to 72 hours before), such as how much they slept the night before, the weather, what they ate, and how much water they drank.

MyMigraine logs all of the users previous migraines in the "My Log" page.

MyMigraine analyzes the data and produces a list of the users most likely triggers.